It had been really long, ever since i've sign in into
have got nothing to blog about recently, even now.
felt that i shouldnt have created it right?
Exams over, guess everyone is free,
fun time? yes!
Next event paint ball! ( hope 3B would pay up for the game)
as i think 90percent of the 3A have already paid up.
Last week.
incident happen on Wednesday?
Suppose to be 3A turn for pledge taking.
As we know many of us dont dare to speak infront of
crowd, SO we did something really stupid.
we hide in the toilet during the morning assembly
We knew that before the national anthem start,
there must be prefect on duty, they were patrol-ing
the class room blk. So we were hiding away from them.
Soon we get caught by a idiot, this idiot reported us. end up
we serve our detention. Actually i had ask him could him just close one eye?
just by walking away ? ( deep down i knew he was on duty) but did he gain anything
just by reporting us? money? its different if we are caught by DM or any teacher
cause they were given pay? but u ? nothing? awards? u think schools will
reward u ? Dumbass wake up! Dont do things so unnecessary.
Its really disappointed to know we still have ppl behaving like that.
NERD! Anyway i dont think u are wrong.
but u gain nothing, u got me?